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Human Factors in Virtual Endoscopy (Hi-F.I.V.E)
22 March 2022

New course dates available!

Homerton University Hospital are running another round of the popular Hi-F.I.V.E. course (Human Factors in Virtual Endoscopy) aimed at doctors/trainees, endoscopists and nurses working in any Endoscopy Unit.
This is a one-day course and explores the importance of human factors and endoscopic non-technical skills, which contribute to good clinical care in the endoscopy unit. The day will be interactive with each of you getting the opportunity to immerse yourself into a simulated patient case and undertake collaborative debrief and feedback with experienced gastroenterology/surgical consultants and nurse endoscopists.


Course dates:

Friday 13 May 2022

Friday 8 July 2022

Please e-mail to apply and book a place. Limited number of places available. Course fee listed in advert here (please apply for relevant study budget/leave). 


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