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Enhancing Endoscopy Care in New Zealand: Introducing the New NZGRS Website
24 August 2023

Collaboration between JAG and NEQIP Sets New Standards

JAG has joined forces with the National Endoscopy Quality Improvement Programme (NEQIP) in New Zealand to introduce a state-of-the-art website designed to enhance the quality of endoscopy care across the nation.

The brand-new NZGRS website, developed specifically for NEQIP, represents a significant milestone in improving patient outcomes and advancing the field of endoscopy care. This collaborative effort aims to provide healthcare professionals in New Zealand with a comprehensive platform to access the latest resources, guidelines, and best practices in the field.

The newly designed website offers an intuitive interface that ensures easy navigation and access to a wealth of information. Healthcare providers can explore a wide range of information and support, fostering a community of continuous learning and improvement.

This collaboration between JAG and NEQIP marks a significant step forward in our mission to elevate endoscopy care in New Zealand. The website serves as a central hub, empowering healthcare professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to provide high-quality, patient-centred services.

The JAG team, renowned for their expertise in developing innovative platforms for endoscopy care, has brought their knowledge and experience to the project. Through their collaboration with NEQIP, they have tailored the website specifically to the needs of New Zealand's healthcare system, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.

The new NZGRS website will serve as a powerful resource, equipping healthcare professionals with the tools and information necessary to deliver exceptional patient care.

The full launch of the NZGRS website is set to take place on Monday 4  September. Healthcare professionals across New Zealand are eagerly anticipating this milestone, recognising the potential for transformative advancements in endoscopy care. The collaboration between JAG and NEQIP signifies a commitment to excellence and sets new standards in quality care.

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